Overview For Teachers
DISCIPLINE: The ability to follow the chain of command; demonstrate good character; to be even tempered; behave appropriately; accept unavoidable interruptions and pressure; the ability to pay attention to details; display a high level of concentration even when assigned an unpleasant task; the ability to demonstrate grit and resilience.
Upon completion of this module, the student will understand the importance of being self-disciplined in the classroom and the workplace. In addition, the objectives listed below should be met.
ï‚· Ability to recognize the importance of being disciplined in all aspects of life
ï‚· Ability to understand the importance of grit, resilience and perseverance
ï‚· Ability to demonstrate self-discipline in different situations
This module concentrates on teaching students to recognize and display self-discipline and how it affects their home, school and work life. The key to being disciplined is to understand what’s important, know the steps to take to complete certain tasks, as well as how to keep going when you want to give up. In addition, students will have an opportunity to gain an understanding of the importance of discipline by participating in various activities designed to stimulate thought and discussion.
What does discipline look like in the classroom or in school in general? A great way to answer this and get things going is through engagement with the students. Ask your students these questions:
1. What does discipline look like in class?
2. How does discipline affect other students? Example: Student activities or sports or hallway/lunchroom interactions
3. What does discipline look like within your learning?
RELEVANCY OF DISCIPLINE: Why is this important to your students?
Discipline is important to both personal and professional development and goals. Employers say that discipline is a very important attribute in employees and is considered a leadership trait in most organizations.
10 Daily Habits to Teach Self-Discipline
Time Allocation: 20 minutes
Materials/Resources: computers/tablets/smartphones with internet access or printed copies of How to Discipline Yourself with 10 Habits, paper, pens/pencils, whiteboard, markers
ï‚· Share the following quote with the class:
o “Good habits formed at youth make all the difference.” –Aristotle
ï‚· Have a short discussion about what habits students currently have and if those will help or hurt them in the future.
ï‚· As a class, discuss the concepts of discipline and self-discipline:
o How are they different?
o How are they similar?
ï‚· Then, ask students: o Why is discipline important?
o In what areas of life is discipline most important?
ï‚· Next, tell students that they all have habits that they’ve created over time and these habits may be good or bad. The goal of this lesson is to help them develop new daily habits that will teach them discipline.
ï‚· Give each student a printed copy of How to Discipline Yourself with 10 Habits or have them access it electronically.
ï‚· As they read through the article, have them write down the 10 daily habits that are mentioned.
ï‚· When the students have finished reading the article and writing down the 10 habits it mentions, ask them to write a plan of how to incorporate the 10 daily habits into their everyday lives.
o For example, one of the daily habits mentioned is exercising. Students will figure out what time they will start exercises every day.
ï‚· When they finish, they will find a partner, share their plan, and how they will fit these 10 daily habits into their everyday schedule.
ï‚· Then, have a few students share with the class how they will schedule these habits into their daily lives. Follow with a short class discussion on the importance of establishing good habits and developing discipline.
ï‚· Technology Use: Obsurvery: Create a survey, poll, or questionnaire to send to the students that will give you immediate feedback about the student’s level of understanding.
ï‚· Non-Technology: Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down: Students will demonstrate their level of understanding by giving a thumbs up or thumbs down. Students with thumbs down will need more clarification.
ETHICAL SCENARIO--Optional (if not using, skip to "review and closing")
The Ethical Choice Scenarios have been developed to provide teachers with the ability to make the material applicable to real-life and relevant to the students. Within this guide, directions and prompts for the teacher will be in BLUE for ease of facilitation.
READ THE FOLLOWING SCENARIO OUT LOUD TO THE STUDENTS: You and Mari have been best friends since kindergarten and you do everything together. You are both in the same clubs at school, play the same sports , and even live in the same neighborhood. You would never do anything to jeopardize your friendship with Mari. One day after school, Mari’s older brother Trevor, whom you’ve had a crush on ever since you were little, asks you out on a date. He wants to take you out on Friday night to go to dinner and then bowling. Mari made you promise years ago that you’d never date Trevor because it would ruin the friendship that you two have , but you’ve been wanting to go out with him for so long! Trevor knows all about the promise you made to Mari but he says that he’s liked you for such a long time and he thinks that Mari will forgive you eventually. If you say yes to the date , you risk losing your lifelong best friend but you could end up falling in love with Trevor. If you say no, there will be no harm to your friendship, but you will be heartbroken about Trevor , and you could be running the opportunity for a great relationship . What do you do?
ASK THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: (display them to the class if necessary)
1. How many of you have already been faced with this scenario in real life?
2. What are the possible positive outcomes to saying yes? Saying no?
3. What are possible negative outcomes to saying yes? Saying no?
NOTE 1 : To help facilitate discussion, share any personal experiences you may have encountered with this same sort of issue.
NOTE 2 : Another option to foster further critical thinking is to then ask students , “ Do you believe it is fair for Mari to put you in this situation ?” “What about Trevor and the situation he has put you in?”
NOTE 3 : Another option to foster further critical thinking is to then ask students , “ W hat values do you think are in tension here, why is it an ethical dilemma?”
ï‚· Post the following quote on the whiteboard:
o “By constant self-discipline and self-control, you can develop greatness of character.” –Grenville Kleiser
 Have students respond to this quote either on paper or verbally before they leave the classroom.
CORRELATION TO OBSERVATION TOOL: The Frequency Observation Tool (FOT) has a category where students will be observed and rated on their ability to be disciplined. This lesson will give students the opportunity to evaluate how they are currently living their lives and what they can change to develop more discipline.
-Visual: Visual learners will benefit from having the printed copy of the article.
-Auditory: Auditory learners will benefit from having the directions read aloud as well as the class discussions.
-Kinesthetic: Kinesthetic learners would benefit from having the option to move around the room as they read and think. They will also benefit from the writing activities.
-ESL: ESL students will benefit from having the option to work with a partner on the worksheet in cases they have questions or need clarification.
-At-risk: At-risk students will benefit from the constant interaction with others throughout the lesson which will hopefully keep them engaged in the lesson.
-Advanced: To benefit advanced learners, you could have them partner up with a student who rates their level of understanding with a thumbs-down so they can help them better understand.